Source: Vogue

Aug 09, 2024

Blake Lively as Vogue Magazine star of September 2024

Blake Lively stars as “The Cat” in Baz Luhrmann’s Vogue fantasia, The Heist of the Heart.

The Heist of the Heart Starring: Blake Lively As “The Cat” And Hugh Jackman As "L'ombre'

EXT. MONTE CARLO NIGHT: The blue Monte Carlo moonlight spills over the city like liquid sapphire. PAN UP... to THE CAT, poised like a panther.

INT. CASINO NIGHT: The Monte Carlo jet set at fever pitch as the mysterious MONSIEUR L'OMBRE is about to throw the dice, though his eyes remain fixed on The Cat, now in the guise of an "Heiress." 

EXT. MONTE CARLO BEACH DAY: L'OMBRE You made quite a splash at the tables last night... The Cat peers seductively over her glasses...

EXT. MONTE CARLO STREETS MONTAGE: Speeding around the perilous curves of the Côte d'Azur, the investigation takes a dizzying turn...

DISSOLVE TO: INT. ABANDONED HOTEL NIGHT: SLOW PUSH IN TO: The Cat, in her lair, surrounded by jewels, treasures, dreams. And yet...

INT. DOYENNE'S SUITE NIGHT: Distant fireworks and the din of revelers from the casino below... CLOSE ON: the glittering Cartier necklace.

EXT. POLICE CAR NIGHT: CLOSE ON: The Cat's slender wrists encircled not with diamonds, but with handcuffs.

Blake Lively American actress shares Key Lime Pie Recipe with Vogue